Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Guilty Conscious?

There are good people and bad people in this world, but being somewhat optimistic, I like to think there are more good people than there are bad.  But due to recent events that are indirect with my life, I've come to question that.  How can these "bad" people be the way they are and be okay with it? "Bad" is a very loose term as everyone's definition of "bad" is different, but I'm pretty sure everyone has had this though run through their mind at some point in their life.  I'm not saying that I am perfect in any way; I am human and I have my faults.  To be perfectly honest I have done bad things in my life and then my guilty conscious eats me alive which then forces me to apologize and make up for my bad deed.  I may not be perfect, but I know that deep down in my core I am a good person.  And I think due to my guilty conscious I am more reluctant to do bad things. But my question remains, how can bad people be they way they are and be okay with who they are?  Is it because they believe what they are doing is good/right?  Or because they have no guilty conscious? I know that there isn't a definite answer to my question, but I am curious to read the responses that I get.

Have a good evening everyone and good luck with midterms!

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