Wednesday 27 February 2013

Guilty Conscious?

There are good people and bad people in this world, but being somewhat optimistic, I like to think there are more good people than there are bad.  But due to recent events that are indirect with my life, I've come to question that.  How can these "bad" people be the way they are and be okay with it? "Bad" is a very loose term as everyone's definition of "bad" is different, but I'm pretty sure everyone has had this though run through their mind at some point in their life.  I'm not saying that I am perfect in any way; I am human and I have my faults.  To be perfectly honest I have done bad things in my life and then my guilty conscious eats me alive which then forces me to apologize and make up for my bad deed.  I may not be perfect, but I know that deep down in my core I am a good person.  And I think due to my guilty conscious I am more reluctant to do bad things. But my question remains, how can bad people be they way they are and be okay with who they are?  Is it because they believe what they are doing is good/right?  Or because they have no guilty conscious? I know that there isn't a definite answer to my question, but I am curious to read the responses that I get.

Have a good evening everyone and good luck with midterms!

Sunday 10 February 2013

You can't always believe what you read

Blog Assignment #2

The website that I've chosen to analyze is Sun News. I found this website neutral as it included all different kinds of articles from politics, economics, and world news. A cue that I thought it gave a neutral perspective was the titles of the articles that are main page, none of them were putting down political parties or policial members like other newspapers. From browsing some of the new articles that are posted on the website, I think this website is well rounded with the various topics it discusses such as the economic summit that was held at Mount Royal, to the Keystone project, to Taiwan lifting the Saskatchewan poultry ban. In order to identify the political position a blog takes is by reading their entries and figuring out their opinion of the political system that they're subjected to. If it's a newspaper website, you can tell by what the authors write about what's happening in the political world and what their opinions are. My philosophy is that, "you can't always believe what you read", I find that most authors are biased and that's natural. But if I am interested in a topic, I take the initiative to read more than one article about the subject so I can see all the angles of the topic and then make my own judgements based on all the information that I've gathered.

Monday 4 February 2013

Warm Bodies

So, last weekend a few coworkers and I went to go see the newly released movie Warm Bodies. I'm not  gonna lie, but I was super skeptical about this movie being any good. The basic idea of this movie for those who haven't seen the trailer (warm bodies trailer), is a world taken place during the zombie apocalypse. So a viral infection has turned most of the world's population into flesh eating corpses with no consciousness, but the main character who is named "R"is a zombie with a conscious who falls in love with a uninfected human girl named Julie. I'm not going to spoil the movie for those who are going to watch it, but the end result was that I found it extremely cheesy, so cheesy that I thought it was good.  I want to know what people's opinion of the movie and what other movies that people found cheesy but good at the same time.

Night world!