Friday, 25 January 2013

New media vs. old media

The most obvious difference between new media and old media is the physical appearance of the media people are reading, whether it is via newspaper or reading it online.  The difference between reading the newspaper physically or online is the accessibility for more information.  When you read the newspaper, you are limited to the information only to that one article, but when you read it online, you have access to unlimited information about that article as you can browse different newspapers to get more information.  The Internet is available to over 2.4 billion worldwide ( and because of that more people are connected with their community as well as the global community.  Going on further from my statement above about how readers are only getting the information from that article; depending on the author, articles can be biased.  Reading biased articles can leave a lasting impression on readers, thus affecting a reader’s thinking and opinion, which correlates to being able to find more information online so people can know the full story.  Between the two mediums, I don’t think there’s a literacy difference, as the article that I read was word for word the same. 

I found that with newspapers, unless people got it delivered at their door, that it’s an item that is read else where that is not at home.  Either at work, on the bus or at a coffee shop, it seems that people read newspapers else where but in the comforts in their own home.  I think this is due to the availability newspapers, this is not including those who get their papers delivered to their front door, people have to go out and buy them either at the convenience store, grocery store or at a paper stand. And even when it’s in a common place where everyone will visit, it’s not a commodity that they would like to pay for.  When those who read it online, it’s vastly available, convenient and not to mention that it’s free.  

Monday, 21 January 2013

Just a curious thought

Usually when I blog, it's usually has to do with getting something of my chest. I use blogging as a tool to relieve stress, but not this time. But for this blog entry I'm letting you guys know a little bit more about the inner workings of myself, my posts won't always be like this but I'm going out for coffee later  tonight and I'm curious to know about coffee drinkers. I'm a barista at my local Starbucks and typically you'd think that if you work at Starbucks you enjoy drinking coffee or specialty drinks. Yeah, I'm an exception to the rule. I don't drink coffee or espresso specialty drinks UNLESS it's in an ice blended form (as they are full of sugary goodness). My source of caffeine usually comes from energy drinks, that I'll drink every now and then but for the most part I survive without any source of caffeine. Anyways getting on to the main point, I have noticed recently that I've been meeting more and more people who don't drink coffee, and I'm just curious at how many people in this class drink coffee and who doesn't.

I hope everyone is having a great Monday, even though today has been dubbed "Blue Monday", have a great evening all!

Friday, 18 January 2013


Hello! I know I've already did my introduction post with WordPress but I like the idea of Blogger actually posting on to my Google+ account. I've always used WordPress as my blogging site of choice, so I thought a little change would be nice and also to see which of the 2 sites I prefer.

But introductions again, I am Kaila and I'm in my "third" year in the business program majoring in management, my minor is currently undecided. I don't typically have a theme when I blog; I've noticed a lot of people blogging about what's happening in the news and the only source of news I get is from the radio or "The Philip DeFranco Show" as sad as that is. I'll probably be posting a lot of music and pictures and the occasional snippet of my life.

I look forward to this class and getting to you know all through your blogs.