Sunday 31 March 2013


The collective action that I wanted to talk about is the JoinStampede movement that is currently happening in the United States as we speak.  The reason why I picked this collective action is that it deals with student debt and a lot of people can relate to it - as most of us take out student loans to pay for post secondary education.  Currently in the United States, student debt exceeds over one trillion dollars and in my opinion, that is an obscene amount of money for one to owe.  In the United States there are typically two solutions to mitigate the burden of student loans, which are bankruptcy relief, or a full-out student loan bailout – both of which destroys credit ratings.  Launched in the beginning of March, JoinStampede is trying to get one hundred thousand people to join their movement and as a group they would collectively negotiate better terms for student loans.  JoinStampede not only targets those who are currently enrolled in post-secondary but also those who have an outstanding student debt that they are currently paying off.  It is needless to say that by having better interest rates students can pay off their loans faster.

Because this is a collective action in progress, the result of this collective action is unknown however it creates awareness of how much students owe in student loans and how much it costs to go to post-secondary in the United States.  Even if this collective action does fail, it may stir up other collective actions that may succeed in the near future.  Collective action can be a powerful tool in changing policy and legislation.  By having a large population rallying for a common cause it creates awareness and attention to the cause.  With awareness and attention to the cause, there is a higher potential for the collective action to succeed.  I like JoinStampede’s idea of a group of people collectively negotiating for lower interest rates and I hope that this campaign is successful, as it will benefit a lot of American students in the long run.  I believe that education is key in creating a more understanding and open-minded society.  By having more people being able to pay off their student loans at a better rate will encourage people to get an education.  

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Last 2 weeks

Okay, so I have yet to have time to actually sit down and just let my fingers do it's thing.  Last 2 weeks have been crazy busy with school and not to mention that last weekend I got my wisdom teeth out so I've been in a semi vegetative state hopped up on Ibuprofen and T-3s.  There wasn't anything in-particular I wanted to talk about, but just wanted to check in with everyone and to let people know that I'm still alive despite the lack of Google+ activity!

Happy Wednesday everyone! We're almost done!

Thursday 14 March 2013


Memes may be the longest running trend on the Internet. There are millions, if not billions of meme's that can be found on all social media including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and now Instagram. A recent meme that was founded just under a year ago was the "Ridiculously Photogenic Guy" aka. RPG. The original picture was taken at Cooper River Bridge Run on March 31, 2012 by a photographer and computer programmer Will King. King uploaded a set of almost 100 photographs taken at the run onto Flickr and Facebook. One of King's friends commented on this particular photo, thus dubbing the man in the photograph, who was later revealed as Zeddie Little as the, "Ridiculously Handsome Guy". King uploaded a cropped version of just Little on Reddit with the title, "My friends call him, 'Mr. Ridiculously Handsome Guy'" which received over 40 000 votes. King also posted this picture with the same title on Flickr and within an hour received 300 000 views. Days later, Quickmeme received over 1000 submissions of RPG. The meaning behind this meme is that the "ridiculous photogenic guy" is so incredibly handsome he could have anything he wants and that everyone (male or female) would want him. There have been several different spinoffs to this meme, such as, "Ridiculously Photogenic Surgery Girl", "Ridiculously Photogenic Metal Head" and "Ridiculously Photogenic Syrian Rebel". All of which have the same meaning where they could have anything they want and that everyone wants them because they are incredibly photogenic. On April 4, 2012, Little was interviewed on Good Morning America and he announced that he was going to run in the New York City Marathon and raise money for the John Ritter Aortic Health Foundation. I think it's amazing that Little used his unpredicted Internet fame to raise money for charity. Seeing the meaning behind the meme, he used the context to his advantage to raise money for a good cause.

Tuesday 5 March 2013


Okay, so I've decided to take up running and I'll be running the Scotiabank 10k run in May. I'm a new runner and I'm hoping that you guys can give me advice. I'm also curious to know about running form, I've heard of both toe-to-hell and then midfoot striking, which one is better?  But any information that you know about running, I would love to hear.
